this might come as a shock to most of you, but i've decided to drop school after the 'a' levels, and start working. as most of you should know by now, i'm crazy about sports and now that i've been presented with an opportunity to work in espn-starsports, i've decided to take up the offer, even though i'll just be part of the backroom staff trawling the net for news to be reported on sportscenter. but i see this as a stepping stone towards becoming a sports presenter, which is ultimately, my dream job. i've already put pen to paper on a contract which will give me $960 a month (starts next year), which is peanuts, but money doesn't really matter, what matters is the chance to do what i love. and i know it sounds really stupid. my mum has given me a hard time after i decided to do this. she is understandably, quite shocked too, but ever since one of my relatives, who works at espn mentioned that there was a lack of backroom staff to do the dirty work (research and basically verifying information so that the presenters can look all glamorous on the tv screen)
the decision to do this might seem stupid, but i have my reasons:
1) I love sports so so much
2) I COULD become a sports presenter in future
3) I hate school anyway and can't see myself studying for like 4 more years
4) ESPN Starsports is a great place to develop my career
5) My future doesn't look bright in any other career choice i might pursue
6) most's april fools today!! hahaa
happy april fools' guys. this has got to be the first april fools' day i haven't been tricked.
arsenal beating juventus 2-0 has gotta be the highlight of the week. great great play by the lads. cesc fabregas was brilliant (more on him later) and the picture below kinda sums up the anal-ysis of vieira's performance on his return to arsenal's fortress, highbury.

Gilberto took Wenger's instructions to "get stuck in there" a tad too literally.
and still on the subject of arsenal, tohari pajian, a new paper columnist who is a "fan of arsenal", makes a terribly retarded comment, and it is precisely this sort of comments that appear so often on newspapers which makes me feel optimistic about my chances of becoming a sports journalist in future.
when asked about cesc fabregas, arsenal's precocious 18-year-old talent, tohari pajian had this to say.
Tohari Pajian: "Fabregas' strongest point is his vision and ability to play that 30 or 40-metre through-ball to split the defence. The best example was when he opened up a goal for Thierry Henry to score against Real Madrid in the Champions League knockout stage before."
WTF? "best example"? ladies and gentlemen, the pass that fabregas made to henry for him to score against real madrid was all of an amazing, astounding, brilliant, simply outstanding FIVE yards. yes FIVE yards. henry then proceeded to run the ball 40 yards before scoring. surely the "best example" should have been the brilliant daisy-cutter through-pass against liverpool that enabled henry to score?
anyway, common test resutlts. got back econs (B), sea history (C). very satisfied with econs cos i really mugged my ass off and B is probably the least i deserved. then again, i mugged my ass off for math too, and i dun think i have a chance in hell of getting a B for it. sea history, slight disappointment, though im hoping that my international history grades can pull it up. as it stands i need a 31/50 for my ih component, and i think/hope i get at least that.
i have no idea how ill do for lit. it cud be good, it cud be disastrous. im expecting a C, and math im expecting a D or E, anything lower ill be majorly disappointed, cos having studied so hard for math, failing it would be like being screwed in the ass with a 100 year-old tree trunk.
then again, that sounds like a good idea to experiment with roland haha.

Your sense of humor is Banter:
Like a king of pinball, you've made an art of playing off of people because your sense of humor is all about banter. Like many great comedians before you, a roundtable of friends, or a roomful of targets, is the catalyst for what makes you laugh. It brings out the wit — and sometimes the nitwit — in everyone. It's quantity, not quality that matters as you and your friends alternate outbursts like the riffs of a hit single. Here's the bottom line: You're a social creature. Other people's inside jokes even strike you as funny. You manage to gravitate toward people who can appreciate a tall tale and you've probably never hesitated to fire off a zinger — even in a roomful of strangers. So keep it up with your bantering methods. Laughter, after all, keeps the world going 'round.
What's Your Sense of Humor?
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