Tuesday, February 21, 2006

first day at school BALD. actually not bald lar. just really really really short hair. ok FINE. near-bald. whatever. very mixed responses. there was the "hey u look better in this!" and the "nice nice, not bad" and on the other hand, i got the "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA WTF WTF U LOOK LIKE A DINOSAUR!!" screw u abel.here's a list of reasons why i dun look like a dino.

1) ok.....so really, how on earth do i look like a dinosaur? i CANNOT imagine myself scurrying across fields chasing after stupid humans who disturb us THREE TIMES (jurassic park 1,2,3) knowing they could very well get their asses eaten by our long....long....FANGS. (tsktsk what were you thinking?)

2) or maybe abel means i look like a brontosaurus, not a velociraptor scurrying through tall grass or a t-rex running after a jeep. but STILL, i CANNOT imagine myself picking up leaves from faraway trees and grass from acres away with help from my long...long.........neck. (tsktsk dirtyminded once again.)

3) as i dun have a long neck or long fangs, i really do not think i look dino-ish. the only thing that's long about me is my long...long......reach during floorball matches. PLUS dinos dun have short hair? i dun even think they have hair. unless abel's saying they actually all have short hair but they go for regular waxing. HAHHAHAA imagine that. NOW. picture a brontosaurus waxing a t-rex.

(dialogue below is in official dinosaur language: jurassic)
Bronto: now rex, i need you to relax. HEY THAT RHYMES! "rex", "relax"!!
t-rex: no it doesn't!! before i bite your neck, get on with the wax!
bronto: hey that rhymes again!! "rex", "relax", "wax"!!
t-rex: SHUT UP! u want a taste of my whacks?
bronto: HEY THAT RHYMES AGAIN! "rex", "relax", "wax", "whacks"! couldn't tell you were a poet, rex! us brontos have no talents whatsoever.
t-rex: i'll kill you if you don't get on with the waxing. by the way, you brontos ARE useless beings with ridiculously long necks.
bronto: HEY THAT RHYMES AGAIN! "rex", "relax", "wax", "whacks", "necks"! you've excelled yourself REX!!

and the t-rex ate the brontosaurus up cos i realise i've digressed too much. for no reason at all.

4) lastly, but most importantly, why i cannot look like a dinosaur. dinosaurs are not generally regarded to be cute/hot/handsome/charming/dashing whereas I........................................................AM. haha :D

but even if i do look like a dinosaur, at least im not alone! there's always yam beside me. :D (psst..he's bald too :D)


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